Ah, the tyranny of the task list! That neat, box-filled list we compile in Outlook or on an attractive magnetic notepad from the dollar section at Target.
As a former corporate executive, I know the experience of this daily and weekly ritual of gathering up the things that should be done and then recording their completion. It is how things get done, right?
Surely, things do get done. Like "get labels from supply room for file folders" and "send out recap of conference call." Those are tasks that needed to be completed -- but what value did they create? How has the world, your life, or even your day been enhanced?
When does "Be unusually kind to someone" every show up on your task list? Or perhaps "Sit for two hours and just think about how I can make this organization better?" What value would that bring to your company or business, versus sending out the conference call recap that no one will read?
I challenge you to mix it up -- add one "stretch" task to your task list today. Think of how satisfying it will be to check that box.
I'm a big-time task-lister!
ReplyDeleteSometimes it helps me organize and prioritize and I get a sense of order and control from my task-list. Sometimes the list becomes so large that the opposite happens – I end up feeling overwhelmed. When this happens, I put the list away and don’t look at it for weeks or months. Then, when I do come back it, I usually find two things: I was able to complete many of the items after-all and many of the items which have still not been completed do not seem as important any more and probably did not need to be on my list in the first place.
I need to make a list of ways to make better lists...
What can I say, I take great pleasure in checking off my tasks.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow I will add, "Celebrate with each client, the amazing progress they are making" to this list. I feel energized just thinking about it!